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Virtually pain-free

Made famous amongst Aussie parents by kids who adore going to TimeZone, American psychologist David Patterson, PhD., is now using virtual reality (VR) to distract burn victims from the pain of daily wound care. While having their wounds cleaned, patients wearing VR visors can play in a computerised world where they have a snowball fight […]
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Trim your holiday trash

Trim your holiday trash

We throw away 25 per cent more rubbish during the period between Christmas and New Year’s Day than any other time of the year. This extra waste amounts to masses of unnecessary garbage – here are a few waste-reducing ideas: Instead of wrapping gifts for kids, hide the presents unwrapped, and plant clues to where […]
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Christmas woes

Christmas woes

“Blood is thicker than water and it boils quicker” goes the old saying! The truth is, Christmas has never been much fun for those working behind the scenes. All in all, it can be a nerve-wracking experience, even for those who claim to enjoy it. Here’s how to avoid the pitfalls. Lower your expectations Decide […]
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Yule survive

Yule survive

Sailing through the season happily is not only about getting your look right and conquering your nerves in public. It’s also about having the confidence to stand your ground when it comes to managing the finer details. For example, are you tired of being the one upon whose shoulders all the organisational responsibility seems to […]
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The real reason we’re fat

The real reason we’re fat

Mealtimes should be a perfect time for contemplation and relaxation. Unfortunately, we often gobble down our food in cars, in front of the TV and on the go- rarely stopping to truly taste and appreciate it. When we eat like this, the experience doesn’t register in our brains, says dietician Evelyn Tribole, and the result […]
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Do something scary

Do something scary

Short, intense bursts of excitement can actually make you more resilient and able to cope better with prolonged stress and tension. Have a day off work and organise to spend it doing something you’ve always wanted to do – but make it a challenge which makes you just a little bit nervous, something that expands […]
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Start as you mean to go on

Start as you mean to go on

Every day presents a new opportunity to feel good about yourself – and how you actually get up and out of bed can profoundly affect the rest of the day. When you wake up, don’t leap out of bed. Lie still, and spend a little time gradually becoming aware of how you feel Stretch, and […]
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Sexual healing

Sexual healing

Got a headache? Forget the aspirin – think sexy thoughts instead! Such thoughts can lessen pain, say researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA. In the study, students were divided into four groups: one was asked to think of a favourite sex fantasy while they held their hands in ice-cold water for as long […]
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Fatty acid news

Fatty acid news

New research confirms that omega-3 fatty acids may help save your heart, and relieve depression. Harvard School of Public Health researchers recently examined records of nearly 85,000 participants in the Nurses’ Health Study and found a 33 per cent drop in heart disease risk among those who took in the most omega-3s by regularly eating […]
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Don’t panic

Don’t panic

*”When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.” John F. Kennedy Do you feel as though you are just lurching from one crisis to the next? The most important thing you can do when your life is like a pressure cooker is to […]
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