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Why holidays make you sick

Ever wondered why you can stay healthy through a stressful month at work, then come down with a cold as soon as you take a break?
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Right roommates

If you need surgery, make sure you have two things. A great surgeon and a roommate who's just been through the same thing. Researchers from the American Psychological Association have...
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Relieve computer neck

Relieve computer neck

Sitting at a computer all day can be a real pain in the neck. If you are reading this, you're probably sitting at a computer right now. Check your posture, and try these simple stretches. Your body will thank you.
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Super sprouts

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found that broccoli sprouts have a high concentration of cancer-fighting compounds. The tiny sprouts pack up to between 10 and 100 times more...
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Something to chew on

Something to chew on

You know that chewing gum can help bad breath, and many ex-smokers have kicked the habit by using it - but did you know that chewing gum is also a natural remedy for heartburn? Researchers...
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Beat the afternoon slump

Beat the afternoon slump

I’m often asked if there are any natural remedies that can give quick energy. I often feel tired in the afternoon, especially if I’ve been sitting at the computer for most of the day. The best remedy is to do something to get your energy moving. The following two yoga exercises are my favourite afternoon […]
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What is depression?

All of us at one stage or another have experienced feelings of sadness, loss or grief. Quite often, we say that we’re feeling depressed. But what exactly is depression? Here, we explore the clinical definition of an illness that effects on average one in five Australians. From The Australian Women’s Weekly Health Series – Depression, […]
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“There are particular times in people’s lives that are especially significant, but it’s the weight the individual gives them that makes them important. One landmark may be of consequence to one individual and not to another.” This statement by Dr William H Masters holds true for menopause and midlife. The important question to ask yourself […]
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Killer oils

Killer oils

Latest research shows that certain oils could be essential in killing harmful bacteria.
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