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Painful arthritis

Drug-free arthritis relief

Sore, aching joints? Try these five natural alternatives instead. Go fish Clinical trials have found that eating three grams of fish fats a day relieves the joint pain, swelling, and morning stiffness of rheumatoid arthritis and reduces the need for drugs. Consider acupuncture In a US study of 570 volunteers with arthritis of the knee, […]
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Strong women

Walking every day is good, but more and more studies are proving the benefits of strength training for women of every age. Strength or resistance training not only results in a stronger, leaner body, but also offers enormous health benefits. It's not about lifting big weights or beefing up, just making sure you give all your muscles a good workout, especially those in your upper body. If you're not yet including strength training in your weekly workout, here are some great reasons to convince you to start.
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Strong women

Walking every day is good, but more and more studies are proving the benefits of strength training for women of every age. Strength or resistance training not only results in a stronger, leaner body, but also offers enormous health benefits. It’s not about lifting big weights or beefing up, just making sure you give all […]
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Raymond and Ruth Tanner

Illegal organ removal

By Caroline Fisher In 1986 Raymond and Ruth Tanner had to watch helplessly as their precious baby James struggled for survival. “James was born with an inoperable heart condition and it was gut-wrenching watching our first-born son struggling to breathe.” After two days on breathing apparatus, James’ breathing tube was removed. “It was my birthday […]
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Judy Davie

Losing weight fast

By Judy Davie ‘I have to lose weight fast. My husband has a work function in two weeks and I have to go. I can’t fit into my only dress. Help!’ It would be much better for you if your husband shouted you a new dress. Crash diets never work and usually result in any […]
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Down Syndrome Awareness Week

Down Syndrome Awareness Week

By Annette Campbell Did you know that, although the incidence of births of children with Down syndrome (DS) increases with the age of the mother, most children born with DS are actually born to women aged younger than 35? Also, although it’s widely assumed people with DS are always happy, they can be hurt and […]
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October food plan

October food plan

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at www.thefoodcoach.com.au A diet plan free of all processed carbs, high in fibre, antioxidant rich vegetables and fruit and protein for satiety, is the perfect start to improved health and weight loss before summer kicks in. While not a “detox”, this […]
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Diet Club

Water: drink yourself to thin

Spill your diet secrets!** Chat to other slimmers here Water: drink yourself to thin Whenever I have a craving for something I am not supposed to eat while I’m dieting, I drink two glasses of water instead. The craving disappears magically! — Saima
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Diet Club

Slow but sure

Spill your diet secrets!** Chat to other slimmers here Slow but sure I am a 20-year-old athlete. I had a terrible injury that had me off training for about 12 months. At the start I was really careful with my food choices — obviously I couldn’t eat as much as I did when I was […]
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Judy Davie

Detox kits

By Judy Davie For further information about food and nutrition, visit Judy Davie’s website at www.thefoodcoach.com.au ‘I want to detox for spring — what do you think of these detox kits available from health food stores?’ A good detox diet is more than enough to encourage elimination of waste products and train you towards long-term […]
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