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Milk, a great calcium builder

Lifestyle tips to beat osteoporosis

Bone up on calcium The key to healthy bone habits is to ensure you’re getting your daily requirements of bone-building nutrients such as calcium. Most adults need 1000mg of calcium each day (roughly three to four dairy serves), with an additional 300mg for men over 70, women post-menopause and adolescents having growth spurts. Dairy products […]
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Walking, a great way to keep fit

Walk those sneezes away

We all know that regular physical activity has a long list of benefits — enhanced flexibility, strength and energy levels, healthy weight management, improved blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, better sleep patterns and decreased risk of lifestyle diseases. While researchers have always believed that fit people are also well people, there was little […]
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Energy-saving lighting

A cleaner, greener home

Want to make your home more environmentally friendly? Here are our top 10 tips for energy-efficiency. Check your insulation Proper insulation will keep you warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Choose biodegradable cellulose or wool instead of fibreglass or polyester. In winter, place draught strips around doors and hang close-fitting curtains over windows. Install […]
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Can marriage make you healthier?

Married or single: who’s healthier?

According to the latest research, getting hitched improves your physical and mental health — if you’re a man, that is. In a study from the University of California which was published in the journal Cancer, researchers found that, compared with single guys, married men described themselves as enjoying better psychological and physical health and being […]
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Professor Kerryn Phelps

Ask Dr Kerryn Phelps

This month, we’re launching a new service, in partnership with our medical expert Professor Kerryn Phelps, called Ueathealthy. Developed by Kerryn and her partner, Jackie Stricker, Ueathealthy is an online health food store catering to those suffering from food allergies, such as Coeliac disease, wheat intolerance and diabetes. It offers a range of healthy products, […]
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Beating the winter couch potato

Beating the winter couch potato

By Jo McKinnon Keeping yourself motivated to get out and do some exercise during winter can be a tough call when you live in Australia’s southern states. Those shorter days and cooler temperatures seem to transform occasional exercisers into chockie-scoffing couch potatoes in record-breaking time. So how to beat the lure of the Doona and […]
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Big Brother star Reggie: ‘My miracle baby’

Big Brother star Reggie: ‘My miracle baby’

Cradling the gorgeous but tiny bundle swathed in pink, the past nine long and hard months for 2003 Big Brother winner Regina “Reggie” Bird are all but forgotten. Reggie and fiancé Dale Sorensen finally welcomed 2.9kg Mia Regina Sorensen into the world on March 31 — ending what was a difficult and traumatic pregnancy for […]
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Diet Club


Include plain yoghurt in your breakfast as it aids digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer. — Georgia
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Diet Club

Exercising with kids

I have two small children and find it extremely difficult to exercise. So I bought a double jogging pram and some leg weights and strap them on and walk/run 10kms. The weight has fallen off so much that in 4 weeks I have lost 4 kilos! — Kristina
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Restaurant rules

Restaurant rules

A survival guide to eating out … without pigging out! By Judy Davie **”I stick to my diet really well at home but my husband and I often go out to dinner with friends. When we do, my diet goes out the window. Can you help?” — Ann** Without fail, people trying to improve their […]
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