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Top incidental activity tips

If lack of time is challenging your New Year fitness goals, try breaking up your exercise into multiple small bouts. Three 10-minute sessions can be just as effective as one 30-minute session.
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Photos by Getty Images

Top incidental activity tips

If lack of time is challenging your New Year fitness goals, try breaking up your exercise into multiple small bouts. Three 10-minute sessions can be just as effective as one 30-minute session. The following tips are designed to help you be more active in your daily routine throughout the day. This will have enormous positive […]
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Natural ways to boost your fertility

Natural ways to boost your fertility

The heartbreak of infertility is a pain shared by thousands of Australian couples every year. The good news is that once a medical diagnosis is made by a specialist, a wide range of treatments — either surgical or hormonal — is available. And there are also lots of things we can do to help Mother […]
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Judy Davie

Coconut – a diet food?

By Judy Davie **”I was always led to believe that coconut and coconut milk was a bad food to eat on a diet because it was high in calories — more recently I hear it’s one of the best oils to use and can help with weight loss. What’s true?” — Rebecca** Indeed coconut oil […]
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Judy Davie

Whats wrong with wheat?

By Judy Davie **”Why does everyone tell you to cut out wheat these days?” — Naomi** If you look at the diets our prehistoric ancestors ate it gives us a clue as to what we are naturally evolved to eat. Our very active and lean ancestors ate mostly plant foods the women could gather such […]
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Judy Davie

Eating well in a jam-packed schedule

**Dear Judy, I was wondering if you could advise me on how I can manage my lifestyle and eating better. I live at home with my dad, but I only see him for one meal a week. The rest is up to me, and I dislike cooking so if there are leftovers I pick at […]
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Sunnies for sight

Sunnies for sight

By Annette Campbell If you’re one of the thousands of Australians who’ll sport their sunglasses to work or school on February 29 — Sunnies for Sight Day — you won’t just be helping to save the sight of people worldwide. You’ll also be doing something to save your own! Sunnies for Sight Day raises much-needed […]
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The Cameron Diaz ‘nothing white’ meal plan

The Cameron Diaz ‘nothing white’ meal plan

Cameron Diaz says the secret to her perfectly flat abs and insanely beautiful body is to eat ‘nothing white’. And there’s certainly a lot of truth in the belief that doughy food can make you… doughy. This meal plan based on Cameron’s philosophy loads up on brown carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch and lightens the […]
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Rachel: “It felt like forever”

Rachel: “It felt like forever”

The Biggest Loser‘s second eliminated contestant, Rachel, talks to Woman’s Day about her time on the show. Starting weight: 134.7kg Exit weight: 128kg Did the Biggest Loser have the impact on your life you hoped it would? I got everything out of it. I’m just happy I didn’t put on weight! I feel great, I […]
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Judy Davie

Grapefruit diets

By Judy Davie **”Is it beneficial when on a diet to eat grapefruit?” — Patricia** Dear Patricia, Yes and no … Yes, because grapefruit is a low energy food that’s rich in vitamin C, antioxidants, and soluble fibre. It also helps to detoxify the body and, when eaten with a small meal, may slow down […]
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