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Beat the arvo slump

Afternoon cravings can easily unravel all the good work you’ve completed on your morning power walk, healthy breakfast and lunch. Instead of heading for the chocolate fix to boost energy levels and prevent the afternoon slump, check out these alternatives: Nut it out Even though nuts are high in ‘good’ fat, they are also high […]
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An apple a day?

A recent nutrition and health review of apples completed by an Australian dietitian has looked closely at the benefits of including an apple a day in your diet. Apples have been shown to have a range of health benefits including asthma and cancer protection. But can they really keep the doctor away? Let’s take a […]
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Can chiropractic cure hypertension?

That’s the intriguing finding of a new study from the University of Chicago Medical Center published in the Journal of Human Hypertension. When 50 individuals with a misaligned Atlas vertebra (located high in the neck) were given a one-time specialised chiropractic adjustment, researchers noted that their blood pressure decreased dramatically – in fact, at a […]
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Run away to the circus

Roll up, roll up and find out about one of the hottest new ways to get fit and have fun — circus training. No, we don't mean circuit training. Think juggling, balancing acts, contortion, the strong man and more.
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Photos by Getty Images

Run away to the circus

Roll up, roll up and find out about one of the hottest new ways to get fit and have fun — circus training. No, we don’t mean circuit training. Think juggling, balancing acts, contortion, the strong man and more. Circus skills Troupes like the Flying Fruit Fly Circus and Circus Oz have spearheaded a new […]
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7 things your GP wants you to know

7 things your GP wants you to know

By Annette Campbell Have you been to see your GP lately? We all get busy and time flies by, so chances are that unless you’ve had a particular illness you might not have seen your local doctor for a while. So we decided to check-in with Melbourne-based practicing GP, Dr Vicki Kotsirilos, to discuss some […]
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Judy Davie

Grain bread vs white bread

**Dear Judy, I noticed that you suggest eating grain bread. I was under the impression grain bread is made from white flour which is very processed. Is not the wholemeal variety a better option? And is wholemeal pasta considered a reasonable substitute? — Mel** Dear Mel, Wholegrain bread is made from brown flour with grains […]
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Loving legumes meal plan

Loving legumes meal plan

The high fibre diet was one of the most successful diets to do the rounds in the ’80s and today the message to eat more fibre holds true. Nowadays it’s easy to get your recommended daily intake of fibre with the many varieties of excellent canned legumes and pulses available in supermarkets. Legumes are antiviral, […]
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Help make young diabetics’ lives easier

Help make young diabetics’ lives easier

Watching an energetic Ruby and Hunter Doyle happy at play, you wouldn’t imagine the youngsters are suffering a potentially fatal illness. But the fact is, both of them have Type 1 diabetes. As if managing diabetes isn’t difficult enough, many young sufferers have also been left traumatised with having to face up to five insulin […]
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Swap smart and save in the kitchen

Do you suffer from the no time to cook syndrome? It’s a common cry in today’s busy world. The problem is you can end up with too many dial out solutions that are often high in kilojoules and fat and low on nutrients. Let’s take a look at some smart swaps for your kitchen that […]
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