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Wife beater given a bravery award

Immune boost — now that’s something to smile about

Did you know that Australian studies estimate that every year the flu causes 18,000 hospital admissions and 1.5 million missed work days? With the winter months bringing more colds and flu, it’s time to address your lifestyle patterns and seek as many ways as possible to boost your immunity. Ultimately we know that a healthy […]
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Not so hot news about sausages

Key findings in a recent study by the Australian Division of World Action on Salt and Health (AWASH), show that only 2% of sausages in Australian supermarkets meet acceptable salt levels. AWASH revealed that one single sausage sandwich at your local barbecue could contain as much as 6grams of salt or 100% of the maximum […]
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Eat your calcium

Eat your calcium

Surprising findings from a new study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicate that women who get most of their calcium from food have higher bone density than women whose calcium comes mainly from tablets – even when the supplement takers have a higher average calcium intake. The survey of postmenopausal women was […]
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Perfect posture

This month we talk to Dr George Janko, Medical Director, McKinnon Sports Medicine centre on why it’s worth perfecting your posture when you’re active. Spine in line? You only have to look at a spine to see how its various curves may, affect the pressure areas on discs, facette joints, spinal nerves, ligaments and muscles. […]
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Shake your morning fog

Shake your morning fog

Not a morning person? These 10 ideas from Pamela Allardice will have you out of bed pronto and feeling perkier once you’re up. 1 First things first. You’ll feel awful in the morning if you don’t get enough sleep. Going to bed five minutes earlier each night for two weeks will increase your shut-eye time […]
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Scrumptious slimming soups meal plan

Scrumptious slimming soups meal plan

By Judy Davie “Arghhhh why didn’t I control myself and eat less?!” is the common cry of many people who peel their winter clothes off to find a few extra kilos that weren’t there four months before. In nature, bears and squirrels stock up with food to provide warmth before tucking themselves away to hibernate […]
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You are what you drink — what your coffee says about you

You are what you drink — what your coffee says about you

We have all heard the old saying, you are what you eat, but a new survey has revealed that you are also what you drink! Whether it’s a cappuccino, flat white, latte or a long black you’re craving, your coffee choice apparently reflects your personality. It’s certainly no secret that Australians love their coffee and […]
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Stop your bloating!

Stop your bloating!

By Judy Davie Picture: Getty Images. Posed by model. No one likes that bloated feeling and although it doesn’t always show up on the scales, it does look like you’ve gained kilos straight after a meal. There are a number of foods that attribute to bloating including fat, gassy foods, processed foods and even chewing […]
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Say “Chi”

Say “Chi”

According to practitioners of Chinese medicine, good health is controlled by a flow of energy called chi. By pressing certain points on your head you can stimulate chi, relieve tension and tone the tiny muscles, acting like a natural face-lift. Got five minutes? Let your fingers do the walking. 1 Close your eyes. Place the […]
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Photos by Getty Images

Smart snacks for winter comfort

We’ve already touched on how common it is to experience kilogram creep in winter. The main problem is that many people do not turn around and lose this extra padding in the summer. Rather the extra 1 kilogram or more gained will become a permanent fixture, year after year. So here are our smart snacks […]
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