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Change — make it happen!

Feeling stuck? Try Pamela Allardice’s seven-step plan to bust that rut and push forward in your life. 1 Make time First, create an opportunity for inward focus. Getting unstuck isn’t just about moving on: before you can do that, you need to look within and establish who you are and what you want. Schedule an […]
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Chew on this: eating fast makes you fat!

Forget obsessing about what you eat and take a good hard look at the way you eat! Japanese scientists have discovered that eating your food quickly makes you three times more likely to be overweight. The research conducted by Professor Hiroyasu Iso and colleagues from Osaka University in Japan, showed that it’s not just eating […]
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Pizza to please

With a recent surge in gourmet offerings the scope of today’s pizza is huge. No longer is it simply a high fat, high salt takeaway food best limited in the diet. Let’s explore what’s hot in the latest offerings and how best to choose a pizza to please. That’s the TICK Smart choices Base – […]
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Magic mushrooms

Fire up a slow metabolism

When your metabolism is in peak condition, you can rev up the rate at which you burn fat. Start your engine with these six tips. 1: Eat breakfast There is a link between eating breakfast and increasing the kilojoules you can burn, perhaps because your metabolic rate slows while you sleep. The best breakfast is […]
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Berry good for you

Berry good for you

Cranberries are well-known for their ability to treat urinary infections, but just how they did so has been a mystery till now. Research from Massachusetts Worcester Polytechnic Institute (www.wpi.edu) has demonstrated how tannins in cranberries interact with E. coli bacteria at a molecular level, creating an ‘energy barrier’ that actually stops the bacteria from getting […]
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Do you love the shape you’re in?

A recent Body Shape Index released by Jenny Craig has revealed some interesting findings about Aussie women and body image. The study — which spoke to 400 women across the country — revealed that female waistlines are more cause for concern than any other body part. Second at 14% were thighs, followed by arms (7%), […]
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Sports medicine experts in the know

With a range of different sports medicine experts available, we take a closer look at what services are on offer from physiotherapists, myotherapists and exercise physiologists.
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Photos by Getty Images

Sports medicine experts in the know

With a range of different sports medicine experts available, let’s take a closer look on what services are on offer from physiotherapists, myotherapists and exercise physiologists. Physiotherapists Physiotherapy is a drug-free therapy and some techniques employed include soft tissue massage, joint mobilization, manipulation, exercise and stretches, traction, ergonomic advice, remedial exercises, postural assessment, correction advice […]
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<i>How To Break Your Own Heart</i> by Maggie Alderson

*How To Break Your Own Heart*

Exclusive extract from How To Break Your Own Heart by Maggie Alderson, the Great Read in the November issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly. ‘Do you always sleep in separate beds? Kiki’s question took me so much by surprise that I’d answered her truthfully before I had time to think about it. I hadn’t had […]
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