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<i>The Help</i> by Kathryn Stockett

*The Help*

An exclusive extract from the Great Read in the April issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly: The Help by Kathryn Stockett (Fig Tree) Constantine came to work in our house at six in the morning and at harvest time, she came at five. That way she could fix Daddy his biscuits and gravy before he […]
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The Food Coach’s guide to storing autumn fruits and vegetables

The Food Coach’s guide to storing autumn fruits and vegetables

Food Coach Judy Davie gives you the lowdown on how — and how long — you can best store fruit and veggies as the weather cools… With the cooler weather, produce is typically much hardier and lasts longer. That said, to avoid nutrient loss and ensure it stays fresh, you should know where to store […]
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Calcium meal plan: The weight-loss mineral

Calcium meal plan: The weight-loss mineral

By Judy Davie Studies have found that a diet with increased amounts of the mineral calcium are effective for weight loss. With that in mind, this energy-reduced meal plan focuses on calcium found largely in milk, cheese and yoghurt, canned salmon (with the bones) almonds, sesame seeds, and fortified soy products. Day one | Day […]
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How to tell if you have Coeliac disease

By Annette Allison Do you often have an upset tummy, and little or no energy? If you answered “yes”, have you asked your doctor about it? If you haven’t asked, why not? One in 100 people in Australia have coeliac disease, but 75 percent of them are not diagnosed and therefore don’t know it. “This […]
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Allergy fears cause party-poopers in schools

Allergy fears cause party-poopers in schools

Growing fears about allergies are fuelling schools and kindergartens to ban parents from bringing in birthday cakes and other party treats to celebrate their children’s birthdays. Gone are the days when you could send your child off with a tray of cupcakes to share with their classmates as parents are being told that it is […]
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Two hours of TV per day increases risk of asthma in kids

Two hours of TV per day increases risk of asthma in kids

Sitting your kids down in front of the television could be more harmful than you think, new research shows. Children who watch more than two hours of television a day have twice as much chance of developing asthma as those who watch less than this. This new research conducted by the Medical Research Council in […]
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Prevent one third of cancer with a healthier lifestyle

Prevent one third of cancer with a healthier lifestyle

Eating more fruit and vegetables and consuming less red meat and alcohol could prevent thousands of incidences of cancers each year, according to a major new study. The World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) discovered that 12 major types of cancer, including breast, bowel, stomach and pancreatic cancers, could be reduced by 39 per cent simply […]
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Reality star’s tragic decision: ‘I’ll die on TV’

Reality star’s tragic decision: ‘I’ll die on TV’

Star Jade Goody has decided to live her last days in the spotlight as she succumbs to cancer. As the UK’s most famous reality TV star, Jade Goody has lived out many of the most important events of her life on camera. And now in a horrible twist of fate, the once-radiant 27-year-old mother-of-two is […]
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Be happy without being perfect

Be happy without being perfect

Give yourself a gold star Prioritise tasks Settle for 85 per cent Bless the mess YOUR SAY: Are you a perfectionist needing to cut yourself some slack? Tell us below!
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Good for your gut

Good for your gut

Give the Mylanta a miss. When tummy troubles strike, try these natural stomach soothers to relieve unwelcome gurgles, hiccups and burps. Get herbal help Ginger has antispasmodic properties and is excellent for settling stomach upsets and easing nausea. Take it in capsule form; or, nibble candied ginger. A cup of chamomile tea will relieve indigestion […]
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