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Pregnant women don't eat enough fruit and vege

Pregnant women don’t eat enough fruit and veg

Recent research has found that unborn children may be at risk as pregnant women are gaining too much weight and not eating enough fruit and vegetables. The Australian research, which was published in the Nutrition & Dietetics journal last month found that pregnant women only eat half the amount of fresh fruit and vegetables that […]
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Can cold hard cash relieve pain?

We all know that money can help cure our financial ills, but new research shows that cold hard cash can alleviate our physical ailments too. As crazy as it sounds, a US study has found that handling money can be an effective way of relieving pain and even preventing it, the UK’s Daily Mail reported. […]
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Exploding common exercise myths

Regular exercise is one of the single most important things that you can do for your health. Being active reduces your risk of heart problems and stroke, cancer, sleep issues, osteoporosis, chronic pain, dementia, depression, obesity, type 2 diabetes and unhappiness, to name just a few benefits. So why are more and more Australians becoming less and less active?
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Exploding common exercise myths

Regular exercise is one of the single most important things that you can do for your health. Being active reduces your risk of heart problems and stroke, cancer, sleep issues, osteoporosis, chronic pain, dementia, depression, obesity, type 2 diabetes and unhappiness, to name just a few benefits. So why are more and more Australians becoming […]
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Three top ways to cut your cancer risk

Three top ways to cut your cancer risk

Want to cut your risk of getting cancer? Try these three easy steps! Want to butt out? See www.quitsmokingjournals.com – full of great tips like massaging your ears to cull cravings, or calling cigarettes “sickerettes”. plus stories from ex-smokers with lung cancer. More vegies, less meat. More than 540g of red meat per week increases […]
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Skin cancer cure found, scientists claim

US researchers believe they have found a vaccine that can help patients fully recover from melanoma, even in its late stages. Tests by scientists at Chicago’s Rush University Medical Centre have shown that the vaccine attacks tumour cells without harming healthy cells and can even target cells away from the area injected, the UK’sDaily Telegraphreported. […]
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The spice is right

Cooler weather sees me hauling out my big saucepans to make hearty and nourishing soups, broths and stews. Spices not only add colour, flavour, and mouth-watering aroma, but remarkable health benefits, too. Cayenne pepper increases blood flow (and therefore nutrient supply) to the peripheral parts of the body, especially to the head, making it perfect […]
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Blueberries for hepatitis?

Researchers from Japan’s University of Miyakazi have identified a chemical compound in blueberry leaves that may possibly stop the hepatitis C virus’ ability to reproduce. The compound is a proanthocyanadin, with antioxidant properties similar to those found in grapes and wine. The study, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, offers hope for patients with […]
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Jealousy: causes and cures

We’ve all felt a jealous pang or two in our lifetime. But how much is too much? Too many visits from the green-eyed monster can wreak havoc on even the strongest of relationships. “Jealousy is wanting something someone else has … having a sense of entitlement to something; and so you feel you may be […]
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Autumn food swaps

Autumn food swaps

If you consider a total of 32,000kj is the equivalent amount of energy as 1kg of fat, you might want to think twice when indulging as the weather gets cooler. It’s worth considering some of these food swaps to reduce your energy intake and still enjoy good food.
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