In heartbreaking news, beloved Neighbours star Ian Smith who has famously portrayed Harold Bishop, has been diagnosed with “non-fixable” cancer.
Within mere minutes of his cancer news being shared on December 2, the network confirmed Ian would be departing the series.
“I found out a few months back that I have cancer,” he revealed to the Herald Sun. “That I have a very aggressive non-fixable cancer and they expect me to… they expect me to die.”
The 86-year-old shared the news of his cancer in an interview with the publication. Further admitting that he bid farewell to the Neighbours cast and set towards the end of November, with scenes written to accommodate for the heartbreaking news.
“What actor at the age of 85 can experience that beautiful thing of doing something they love, being in a studio, standing in front of a camera and everyone telling them they’re wonderful? And i only film one day a week, so its lots of lovely bits and bobs,” he told the publication.
Mere minutes before the interview was shared online, Neighbours confirmed on Instagram that Harold would be exiting.
“Harold waves goodbye to Ramsay Street,” the caption began. “We’re sharing the sad news that Ian Smith will soon be stepping away from the beloved role of Harold Bishop.”
“It’s been a huge privilege to welcome him back to the show over the years, most recently in the current season.”
Ian first departed Neighbours in 1991, making odd guest appearances countless times throughout the decades including 1996, 2011, 2015, and 2022. It was a joyous surprise for fans when Neighbours announced Ian would reprise his role as the beloved fiction character in May 2024.
Upon his latest return to the soap, the veteran actor revealed to TV Week it was like putting on “an old cardigan.”
“I love the old bugger! I do look forward to coming back into the show because the kids keep me young,” he said.
Unfortunately, his return to the screen didn’t come without its challenges as Ian struggled with his “memory” and felt “unsteady” on his feet which stopped him from participating in hobbies like fly fishing.
Speaking on his departure, executive producer Jason Herbison said: “Despite the challenges he was facing with his health, he wanted to give Harold a proper send-off. It was a very emotional moment on set as we paid tribute to him and the incredible contribution he has made to the show.”
Sadly, Neighbours is yet to confirm exactly when Ian Smith will be departing.