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Home and Away spoilers: Perri faces prison time over dad’s death

Perri turns himself in to police to be charged over his father's murder in Home And Away this week.
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After hiding out since his father’s death, Perri has decided it’s time to face the consequences of his actions and turns himself in to police in Home And Away this week.

He was only acting in self-defence, Perri (Cantona Stewart) tells Rose (Kirsty Marillier) when he arrives at the police station, but she places him under arrest, charged with Carl’s (Matthew Holmes) murder.

Frightened and confused, Perri faces an uncertain future, but he wants to be the man Tane (Ethan Browne) has been teaching him to be and own his actions.

He also needs to face his very mixed feelings about what has happened.

Perri stands behind bars as he is charged with the murder of his father.
After spending days on the run, Perri (Cantona Stewart) finally hands himself into police and is arrested for murder. (Credit: Channel Seven)

“His immediate feeling was relief, almost as if he had been liberated of this horrible devil-like burden he’d been cursed with,” Cantona, 28, tells TV WEEK.

“Then, as he stared into the pool where his father lay face down, he knew the only family he has had been killed by his own hands.”

But he’s not alone, Tane assures him when he visits Perri on the morning of his bail hearing.

Tane stands by Perri as he hands himself into the police at the station.
Tane (Ethan Browne) is devastated with Perri’s predicament – but will this be goodbye forever? (Credit: Channel Seven)

Tane was also facing jail recently, he reminds Perri, but thanks to friends who stood by him, he got through it. Together, they’ll fight this all the way, he insists.

It’s a lot for Perri to take in, but he’s relieved to know his friends have his back.

“Perri is a deer in the headlights,” Cantona says. “What happens next to him?”

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