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Home and Away spoilers: Will a shock witness save Perri from a life behind bars following his father’s murder?

Things aren’t looking good for Perri...
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Things aren’t looking good for Perri in Home And Away. Facing trial for the murder of his father, he’s been desperate to prove he was acting in self-defence when his dad Carl attacked him, the latest incident in years of violence and abuse.


But when he can’t find anyone able to back his story, fear kicks in and Perri (Cantona Stewart) decides his only choice is to run away.

Tane, Harper and a lawyer stands with Perri outside court.
Perri is supported by best friend Perri and Harper in court. (Credit: Channel Seven)

“He’s worried he’ll be sentenced to life in prison,” Cantona, 28, tells TV WEEK.

Once again, it’s Tane (Ethan Browne) – the troubled youngster’s mentor and friend – who convinces him to do what’s right and stay to fight.


“Perri is so fortunate to have Tane by his side – he’s like an older brother or father figure,” Cantona says. “He’s the only person in his life who demonstrates real love, which is something foreign to him.”

But when the big day finally arrives, will that be enough?

Perri looks nervous as he's called up to take the stand.
Things aren’t looking good for Perri as he’s called to testify in court…however, a mystery witness could turn things around. (Credit: Channel Seven)

Policewoman Rose (Kirsty Marillier) and Tane both testify as to Carl’s (Matthew Holmes) violent behaviour, but with no proof other than their word, it looks as if Perri is facing jail.


Then, just when it seems all is lost, Perri’s lawyer Jane (Charlotte Friels) calls a witness to the stand that shocks everyone.

“Huge and unexpected is a great way to describe it,” Cantona says.

Perri just has to hope Jane’s last-ditch plan will be enough to save him.

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