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Zoe Sheridan: Healthy options

Alternative medicine should be considered before reaching for the pill packet, says Zoe Sheridan.

I think every physical disease has an emotional or a mental element to it. For example, cancer eats at your healthy blood cells and that also causes something to eat away at you — whether in the form of anger or resentment or getting irritated with someone in your life.

When it comes to things such as depression, antidepressants do not get to the root of the problem. I know some people need to take them on a short-term basis if they are really depressed or suicidal, but Prozac will only cover up your issues.

Don’t get me wrong, they have their place. I’m just saying look at the alternatives and consider combining alternative medicine with Western methods, whatever your illness.

I use alternative medicine in relation to my epilepsy. I see a kinesiologist for it and make every effort to de-stress for at least 10 minutes each day through walking or yoga. And it has done wonders. If I lose my voice, I gargle salt water and then I have two teaspoons of Manuka honey instead of taking antibiotics.

If my kids get a cold, they may need rest. Kids catch a lot of stuff as they’re building up their immune system and I don’t think antibiotics are good for that.

Practise preventative medicine. Go for a walk, buy organic, eat healthily, and go to the health-food store for natural remedies.

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