Home Entertainment Books

The Secret Lives of Dresses

The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean, H & S Fiction, $29.99

From the love, personal growth, and fashion genre, comes “The Secret Lives of Dresses”. Dora is in danger of becoming a professional student, but she’s more enamoured of her hapless boss at the campus coffee shop than she is of her studies.

When the grandmother who raised her becomes seriously ill, Dora heads home, to help run grandma’s vintage clothing store. Many of the dresses are sold with one of her grandmother’s hand-written secret stories, often a tale of a crucial moment in the previous wearer’s life. Those tales help her learn about her wise but secretive gran, and about the parents she never knew. In the process Dora learns about herself, and how to make wiser choices in love and life.

There are no surprises here, and no challenges, but this book delivers exactly what you’d expect: like a fifties cocktail dress it’s comfortable, well executed, and blessed with an understated glamour.

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