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The Bachelor’s Emily Simms shares her distain over her portrayal on the dating show

Emily Simms is the resident femme fatale on the Bachelor, but the 31-year-old took to Instagram slamming the show's producers for the way she's been edited!

She’s on the pursuit of love but Emily is definitely not happy with The Bachelor. The attractive brunette voiced her anger on her personal Instagram account discrediting the reality show’s unfair editing of her which painted the as the show’s sexy villain.

The vixen revealed she was on the receiving end of abuse after the show manipulated the public’s perception of her.

“I am going to do something I have been told not to do by people in the biz, and that is to be honest about how I feel,” she wrote. “I always did it on the show, so I say, why stop now? I have always been very honest, ever since the moment I could speak. I could not be fake if I tried. I have one face, not two.” Emily began on her Instagram post.

Emily had a lot to say on her Instagram addressing the way she was edited on the show.

“I have been in tears tonight, not because of the nasty things social media trolls are saying (I wonder if any of you would be brave enough to say it to my face?), but because I am a very sensitive, kind and loving person.”

She continued:“I was bullied relentlessly at school, physically beaten up, emotionally tormented, for being too tall, my lips were too big, my neck was too long (saw a comment about my weird long neck tonight actually. Primary school flashbacks!!), it was never ending.”

Viewers of the hit show would have picked up on the intense rivalry between Emily and fellow Bachie favourite, Heather. But the Melbournian make-up artist wants the world to know that she doesn’t see the aspiring film maker as a rival.

“ I could never be cruel to another person. I am nothing like a b***h,” she wrote. “Reality shows decide the ‘characters’ for each of us before they even start filming. This is well known about reality TV. So for my funny, joking, laughing at myself, silly side, to not be shown at all, is really very upsetting to me.“

The rivalry between Heather and Emily has been one of the show’s biggest dramas.

Emily continued her venting session: “Soooo many hours of footage, and all they choose to show of me is that I found Heather annoying. I am so grateful for the amazing friendships I’ve formed because of this show, and the worst part about being on this show for me so far is to realise how many nasty, unintelligent people there are in the world, who actually believe everything they see on a reality show, and then feel the need to write nasty things about all of us.”

Before addressing all her “haters” she ended her post by saying: “What a sad world we live in. If you think you know me, and think I am a ‘b***h’, based on how a reality show is edited, then please, look to the top of your screen and click ‘unfollow’. #hatersgonnahate thank you so much to all of the beautiful messages I’ve received over the past few weeks. #love.”

Emily has gone on record to comment about her thoughts on the show front-runner, Heather admitting, “I was honest with Heather in the house about what I had said, and how she made me feel.”

Despite the tension between some of the girls, Emily has made some lifelong friends with fellow Bach babes, Jasmin Brown, 24, and Ebru Dallikavak, 31.

The girls took to social media to show off one of their night out and it looks like they busted out and had a great night!

We can’t wait to see the drama unfold on tonight’s episode with one of the girls walking out of the show!

The chemistry between Sam and Emily is set to sizzle with Sam admitting he is VERY attracted to make-up artist.

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