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How the buffest of the Bachies kept ripped and rugged inside the Bachelor Mansion

Don't think that the boys from The Bachelorette got their sizzling bodies from lying around the pool and thinking about Georgia Love all day (looking at you, Matty J).

Ever wondered what The Bachelorette boys were up to when the cameras weren’t rolling? Well, between doing 5am F45-style sweat sessions and eating “raw” foods, it’s no wonder these Bachie boys are beyond tall, toned and handsome.

Here, five of our faves reveal the exercise and diet routines they followed in the Mansion – ice-cream and Nutella, included…

Matty Johnson, 30

How did you keep fit in the house?

There is a lot of downtime at the house. We were lucky because we had an amazing gym, a basketball court and a tennis court. So, when weren’t filming we literally just played sport all day, every day.

What’s the go-to exercise you like to do?

Tennis! I don’t think I’ve ever played so much tennis in my entire life. Even now, I’m still playing once or twice a week after being on the show.

What would we find if we raided your fridge?

I eat a lot! I have porridge every single morning, and I love salmon and broccoli and vegetables. Anything fresh, I can’t get enough of!

Matty’s all about eating clean – and, after his time in the Mansion, playing tennis!

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Lee Elliot, 35

What are your best diet and exercise tips?

Diversity! For me, it’s healthy body, healthy mind! I do all sorts of things. I don’t just stick to one thing, it’s all about balance.

I run, I swim, I box, I do weights, F45, I do yoga, Pilates…

And I love it! I feel better for it. And I’m not someone that’s like ‘I can’t eat this, or I can’t eat that.’ I do eat this! I make the most of life. I enjoy food! I enjoy wine. And I can do so because it’s all about balance and experiencing everything!

Swimming, boxing, F45, yoga… is there any sport Lee doesn’t do?!

Georgia and Lee having the time of their lives…

Jake Ellis, 30

How did you boys all stay fit in the house?

There was a good mix of really healthy guys. Everyone cooked really healthy. I did a lot of cooking in the house because I really enjoy it.

We also had a gym, we played a lot of tennis! It was mainly just exercise and eating healthy.

What kind of food did you all eat?

I don’t think my cooking was the healthiest. I did a fair bit of cooking for the boys, like family traditional foods – pork ribs, big spaghettis and chicken dishes.

We were mainly eating a lot of chicken and a lot of steamed vegetables. We all took turns to cook; it was just like a big happy family.

How do you like to keep fit?

I’ve been a bit slack lately but definitely going to the gym. I am quite active – I do enjoy playing tennis. I played a lot when I was younger. Having that in the house as well as the outside was really good.

A lot of people in the house say they gorge out on all the treats that are available. Did you come up against that?

I definitely have a sweet tooth! You feel like you’re on a holiday to have that ability to choose what you want to eat.

But we were all pretty well behaved. We had a cheat night with ice-cream and Nutella but everyone was pretty behaved.

Jake’s guilty of caving to ice-cream and Nutella – like we all are!

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Cameron Cranley (AKA Fireman Cam), 26

What was it like working out in the house?

The gym inside the [Bachelor] house was a rough gym but we made do – we even used some ropes to tie to the roof to do pull-ups.

Everyone had their own workout routines. Matty J, at that point of time, was really big on doing, say, a 3K sprint, a sprint on a rower, then burpees and go through that a couple of times.

Lee and I liked to wake up in the morning and do hill sprints and go for a run – that was kind of our morning ritual. Then we’d go to the gym and lift.

I went hard on the free food in [the Bachelor] house [laughs], so the workouts balanced it out.

What’s your guilty pleasure outside of the Bachie Mansion?

At the moment, I love Easter bunnies [laughs]. Cadbury Easter bunnies get me so bad. Especially when their broken, because I’m like, ‘Oh, they’re busted, so I just eat it’ [laughs].

Fireman Cam says he and the boys had one helluva calorific time, snacking on the never-ending supply of canapes on offer at Bachie HQ.

Courtney Dober, 30

How did all you Bachie boys stay fit and active during filming?

We spent 24 hours a together in this amazing house that had a gym, a tennis court, a swimming pool and a field to kick the football.

So literally, if we weren’t in the kitchen cooking food, we were doing something active to keep ourselves busy and not die of complete boredom or just continuously thinking about Georgia.

We did keep very active. Some of the boys in the house were personal trainers so they’d put on F45 classes at 5am. I didn’t do a single class at 5am! There was always something to do.

What kind of food did you eat when you did a big cook-up?

We did a weekly shop – I was one of the least health-conscious guys in the group! A lot of the boys were into raw kind of foods, and meats and salads. We did do a lot of meat, salad, pastas and stuff.

I think the best thing was to be amongst this group of guys and have these big family dinners!

We put on big roasts with veggies and sat down a long table and just chatted at ate. It was pretty cool.

How do you like to work out?

Chin-ups and push-ups is pretty much all I do! If I’m ever a little bit confused or my brain’s about to explode, I’ll definitely go to chin-ups and push-ups.

Courtney says he was “the least health-conscious guy in the house”!

All that training in the Mansion’s gym certainly paid off for Courtney on this single date!

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**The original image of Matty J above was taken by Melinda Cartmer via Matty J’s Instagram page.*

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