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Bachelor bombshell: Sarah’s already got a boyfriend!

It appears that blonde Bachelorette Sarah has the heart of another man to consider – her long-term partner!
Sarah from The Bachelor

Fans dubbed her a favourite to win Sam’s heart when she received the first red rose and single date, but in a twist that will rock the Bachelor mansion, it seems Sarah Mackay, 26, has already found love.

When her sister Rosie shared a promo picture on Facebook of Sarah and Sam, 34, about to kiss on The Bachelor, with a picture caption reading “get a room”, friends quickly accused Sarah of cheating on her boyfriend of two years, Jake May.

“I’m so confused, thought your sis had a long time boyfriend…” one bemused friend posted on Rosie’s pic.

One of Sarah’s male friends even accused the blonde beauty of putting on a big act in a blatant attempt to raise her profile.

Sparks flew between Sam and Sarah on the very first solo date of season three – but is the bubbly blonde hiding a huge secret?

“This couldn’t look any more staged come on man!” he said.

Be sure to pick up the latest issue of Woman’s Day, on sale now, to see intimate photos of Sarah and Jake and to find out her reaction over the boyfriend bombshell!

Don’t forget to pick up a copy of this week’s Woman’s Day!

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