Aaron Woolcott works in the family's small publishing business writing beginner's guides to just about everything, but when his wife Dorothy is killed, he doesn't have a clue where to start.
There's much more to the particularly disturbing murder of prostitute Bernice Hogan than police are letting on and journalist Jack Gannon is determined to discover the truth.
It's a thought-provoking look at crime and rehabilitation wrapped up in a thriller that will have you compulsively flipping pages well into the small hours.
It's a rare writer who can link the deep-science world of particle physics with the incomprehensible business of hedge-fund management - and make you want to read on.
It's a wildly entertaining journey of pride and fall, laced with the sort of surprises and cliff-hangers that kept Dickens' readers glued for the next weekly instalment.
When a motley crew of injured train passengers are deposited following a rail crash, the toffy Torrington brood have no intention of anything interrupting Emerald's birthday party.