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My Kitchen Rules’ The Captain and Corinne: ‘We’ve lost 26kg!’

The MKR lovebirds, The Captain and Corinne reveal the secrets to their slimming success. And it’s all thanks to eating tinned tomatoes!

They made headlines with their polarising behaviour on My Kitchen Rules last year, but now David “The Captain” Kirk and Corinne Wieland are making waves for all the right reasons – they’ve lost 26kg between them!

Chatting exclusively to Woman’s Day David, 54, couldn’t be happier, showing off his new slender and toned physique.

“We just have so much more energy now – we feel like completely new people!”

It was a frightening health scare which inspired The Captain to drop from 76kg to 60kg in just five weeks thanks to a new and improved diet.

For his gorgeous fiancée Corinne, it was a different reason that promoted her to embark on a health kick.

Before and after: The Captain and Corrine look amazing!

“I was sick of being fat,” laughs the bubbly blonde, 33, who has lost an impressive 10kg, thanks to exercising daily.

The pair couldn’t be happier with 
their new look, and now they’ve got more energy to do things they wouldn’t have even thought of doing before.

“Corinne can’t keep up with me!” laughs David. “I’ve just got so much energy, it’s ridiculous. We’re so motivated to do things now – we feel like we can do absolutely anything!”

To check out their amazing transformation pick up a copy of this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale 18th May 2015.

For more info on The Captain’s weight loss secrets, head to his website

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