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MKR’s Kerrie and Craig: Our hot romance

MKR's Kerrie and Craig: Our hot romance

These former teenage sweethearts are still head-over-heels.

They met in primary school, started dating as teenagers, married more than 30 years ago and are now doting grandparents. Yet feisty foodies Craig and Kerrie are still as crazy about each other as they were the day they wed.

As if that’s not hard enough to believe, how’s this – Craig, 52, a businessman from Melbourne, credits his mum for passing on the secret to keeping things in the marriage, er, interesting.

“We had kids at a pretty young age, and my mum always said, ‘Whatever you do, try and get away every six to eight weeks for a weekend on your own,’” he tells Woman’s Day. “That could have just been at home while she came to mind the kids, or we might have gone to stay in the city and gone out for dinner. But those two days alone together have always been great for us.”

Sounds good to us, and it clearly works for Kerrie, too. “Craig’s mum always reminded us not to forget about each other,” says Kerrie, 53. “We still get away on our own, and it’s been the best advice anyone could have given us. It helps us to reconnect and remember why we got together in the first place.”

Read more about Kerry and Craig’s romance in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday March 18, 2013.

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