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Michael Hinde: ‘My love triangle’

Biggest Loser contestant Michael Hinde talks to Woman’s Day about his time on the show.

**Starting weight: 165.2kg

Elimination weight: 145.7kg**

Were you surprised to be eliminated?

It was a shocker and quite hurtful. They said I wasn’t a team player which was a surprise considering all the sport I’ve played. I don’t mean to sound arrogant but Kelly and I were two of the strongest members of the team mentally, strategically and physically. I think they played straight into the red team’s hands by getting rid of us.

When Kelly was eliminated last week she thought jealousy from Mel about your friendship was partly to blame. Was there a love triangle going on?

Kelly became my best friend in the house and we spent a lot of time talking. We became very close and potentially there could be something in the future. We’re very like-minded and I drew inspiration from her. She shows great leadership and control and we’ve got similar hobbies and a similar sense of humour.

So do you think Mel was jealous?

There may have been a spark between Mel and I but I could have been totally wrong. Mel is a pretty switched-on girl but I would probably have more trust in Kelly and that’s a very important factor for me. Assuming they both do like me, it’s hard not to be chuffed when someone is expressing interest in me. That sort of thing hasn’t come my way very often.

Was it hard to keep going while you were in the house?

My inspiration was a little boy called Joshua. He is the son of my best friend and he was born seven weeks premature, the day before I went into the house. During the tough times I thought about him and drew on his fight and strength. I thought if he could keep going then I could too. He’s back home now and doing really well.

One of your reasons for losing weight is to have a family of your own. Do you feel that is now achievable?

My Dad died when I was five so I’d love to have a son to carry on the family name and to pass on what my mum and grandma taught me. I really need to lose the weight to have children and that remains one of my strongest motivations.

Do you have any regrets about your time in the Whitehouse?

I regret not playing the game a lot smarter because I feel that I’ve been beaten by inferior people. I should have opened up to my team earlier because when I was eliminated they said, ‘Why didn’t you do this earlier?”

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