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MasterChef’s Nick Doyle: ‘I lost 50kg!’

The witty MasterChef contestant reveals the secrets behind losing a third of his body weight.

Twenty-two-year-old Nick is still on cloud nine after learning he’d been selected to compete in MasterChef this year. But, scoring himself a position in Australia’s famous kitchen is just one of his many achievements. After battling with obesity his entire life, Nick recently cracked down on his diet and lost a whopping 50kg!

“From as early as I can remember, I was large and overweight,” the law student admits. “My brother is 6ft 10, so my family are big people in general.”

Nick’s first attempt to lose weight was in high-school where he dropped 25kg. However, Nick admits he “packed the weight back on” when he started university.

At his heaviest, Nick weighed-in at 155kg, and blames his eating habits for his weight issues.

“I was a constant boredom snacker,” he admits. “My best friend is also a massive snacker as well. We’d always go and buy lollies, chips and bread, and we’d just sit down and eat half-a-loaf together!”

“I’d always eat baked goods too, because I really enjoy baking.”

As a lover of physical activity, Nick knew that if he got his food in order, the weight would start dropping off. He started replacing his lollies and bread with healthier options, such as rice crackers, hommos and fruit, and managed to drop his weight down to 105kg.

“I started eating low calorie items that sustained me for longer,” the food-enthusiast reveals. “I always had the knowledge; it was just about putting it into play.”

Despite being a whiz in the kitchen, Nick admits a lot of his healthy meals are quick and easy to cook.

“Poaching chicken in a nice stock or broth is amazing,” he explains.

“It only takes 10 minutes, and all you have to do is mix it through a salad. It’s flavoursome and it’s so healthy.”

Now that losing weight is ticked off his list, Nick has started making plans for when the cooking show wraps up.

“I’ll be working for chef Leslie Taylor who owns a tapas bar in Newcastle,” he reveals.

“She’s letting me work in her kitchen which is really exciting.”

But for now, Nick is enjoying his ride on the MasterChef wave.

“I’ve watched the show ever since its inception, and since I’ve been on the show, I have enjoyed every minute of it.”

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