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Marty Barrett: ‘I was stabbed in the back’

Biggest Loser contestant Marty Barrett talks to Woman’s Day about his time on the show.

**Starting weight: 160.6kg

Elimination weight: 130.1kg**

How was your time in the Whitehouse?

The last two weeks I shut down and this is something Gerard did a lot of. I was getting upset about the rumours that were going around about what Courtney and Munnalita were spreading about me. It’s all speculation but they were bagging me saying I said things about the Blue team which I never have. I heard her saying a lot of things to the Blue team and I was hoping they would know me enough to know it was a lie but it turns out people in the Blue team I thought I could trust I can’t. Damien did a deal with Courtney and stabbed me in the back.

Who do you feel most betrayed by?

It hurts that I’ve been back-stabbed by Pati. I’ve been playing the game and I knew it could happen, I just didn’t think it would as soon as it did, or by who it was from. Greg might be playing the game and if he is, he’s done an amazing job to fool me. My thing was to go in the house and just work hard and not worry about alliances until I felt it was needed.

Is there anyone you hated living with?

Munnalita’s definitely the villain and she’s negative all the time. That’s why I didn’t want to talk to her. She’s got an excuse for everything and I don’t think she’s going to change. She’s going to lose the weight and I’m adamant that when she goes home she’ll put it back on again. First major stress and that’s it. She’s the worst. Courtney’s got very low self esteem but his thing from day one is he’s here for the money, not to lose weight. That put him in my bad books pretty quickly. He’s not here to give 100%, he’s playing the game big time and backstabbing everybody.

Being single, are you looking forward to what’s to come in your love-life?

Before I went into the house I had three girls who wanted a relationship with me and they still do. We talk about life’s dreams and wants. But I don’t know if one of them will be it for me because in the meantime I could meet someone who’ll wipe me off my feet, or they could too.

Would you go on The Biggest Loser all over again given the chance?

No, there’s too much backstabbing, it’s not in my nature. I know I can do it myself now. I would go back to prove them all wrong and really stir up the pot. They thought Wal [season 1] was a stirrer but when people piss me off I can be a sarcastic stirrer better than anyone, but I don’t like to be.

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