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Libbi Gorr: Let’s get real!

Let’s take action before the world becomes full of Paris Hilton look-alikes, pleads Libbi Gorr.

Body image seems such a shallow topic. We spend so much time thinking about our bodies, worrying about our bodies, dieting, exercising. There are so many other things in the world that we could be applying our minds to. But we have to accept that what you look like does affect your happiness.

As a society we are obsessed with looks and, possibly because it relates to a mating instinct, that’s the basic animal in all of us. But along with that, we have to remember what really makes a human being special is our individual flaws. For instance, Barbra Streisand and her nose and Cameron Diaz and her lop-sided face — those things make them special and unique.

Young girls are increasingly thinking they need to look like each other and Paris Hilton in order to be a success in the world. The sort of people I would like teenagers to look up to are people with more inner qualities than looks, people who’ve got curiosity, drive or kindness and community spirit. People are a whole package. There’s no use concentrating on what you haven’t got.

People sometimes think that skinny is “inny”, that you’ve got to be thin to win, but time and again it’s been proved that healthy is wealthy. Once all men and women get that into their heads, we’re going to be a much wiser community.

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