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Laura Kufersin: ‘Everyone hates Chris’

Biggest Loser contestant Laura Kufersin talks to Woman’s Day about her time on the show.

**Starting weight: 109.2

Elimination weight: 93.1kg**

How do you feel about getting this far in the game?

I’ve got 23kg to go before I reach my goal weight but I’m really excited to be going home. There were some long days but now it feels like I haven’t even been there. I’ve enjoyed my whole experience, I would not change one thing for the world. I believe in myself now and I’ve become stronger. Everyone said I came in a girl and I’ve gone out a woman and that’s a good feeling.

Who didn’t you get along with?

I can’t stand Chris. He’s a very arrogant person and he’s just there for the money. As soon as the opportunity comes, he’ll be gone. Marty rubbed me up the wrong way a bit. I had to share a room with him and I felt uncomfortable at some points. He’s a 38 year old male and I’m a 20 year old girl. He made comments that I think he didn’t mean intentionally but after a while the jokes got old. I really let him get to me. When he started losing a lot of weight he started doing stupid poses and I thought, “I’m embarrassed for you”.

Your dad has had health problems. What action are you going to take when you get home?

He’s not going to know what’ll hit him. He doesn’t realise how much of an effect him being sick has had an effect on me emotionally. It’s not a good feeling seeing your dad getting bigger and bigger and having strokes. I’m starting this journey for us and we’re going to finish it off together. I’ll be exercising three or four hours a day and eating right.

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