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Kelly Donaghy-Lewis: ‘The girls were intimidated by me’

Kelly Donaghy-Lewis talks to Woman’s Day about her friendship with fellow Biggest Loser contestant Michael, and about how things are going with her estranged husband now she’s been eliminated from the show.

**Starting weight: 117.1kg

Elimination weight: 108.7**

What led to you being eliminated?

Mel was jealous of my friendship with Michael and she’d told him that because of our friendship she felt she couldn’t talk to him. I’m upset that this played a part in why I was voted off because I believe I was one of the strongest competitors. Most of the girls weren’t friendly to me from the start, possibly because I was the second lightest in the house but also because of my job as a police officer. I think they felt intimidated.

Your friendship with Michael seemed pretty close. Did you fall in love?

I definitely didn’t fall in love but I loved the person he is. I’d like to spend more time with him without the cameras around. He has similar values to me, he was really genuine and honest and he was into sport. It was also a bonus that he was good looking. It was only a friendship but it helped me get over my ex-husband.

You split from your husband just a few months before joining The Biggest Loser. Did your time in the house ease the pain of the separation?

I wouldn’t have made the same emotional progress if I’d been at home. I was still very upset when I went into the house but the break did me the world of good. I don’t feel as attached to him anymore and now I want to concentrate on me and my training and my boys. The thought that I could meet someone and move on is now not that far away.

Have you had contact with your husband since you were eliminated?

He sent me nine text messages in the first 12 hours after I was eliminated. I’m furious that he had his new girlfriend staying in my house while he was looking after our sons. He doesn’t understand why I would be upset about it but he must have a brain injury not to be able to see it. He said he’d changed the sheets but I’m going to buy a new bed — I don’t want to sleep in the bed that he’s had his girlfriend in while I’ve been away.

Are there any benefits to being eliminated?

I get to see my boys and I won’t miss Thomas’s fourth birthday. I’ve missed them like crazy and I pulled that nine tonne plane purely for them because I needed to see that letter telling me they were OK.

Will you be able to maintain your weight loss journey outside the house?

I’m determined to stay off the chardonnay and my family and friends will support me with the exercise. A part of me hopes that on finale night I’ll look so good that my ex will look at me and think he made a mistake.

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