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Karise melts down: I quit!

Karise melts down: I quit!

The Voice winner is pushed to her limit by the pressure of stardom and online bullies.

From her astonishing first audition on The Voice it was clear Karise Eden is a sensitive soul. “I am very introverted… so it is really hard to be in this position,” she admitted during filming last year. “I am scared of the success, because I wouldn’t know how to deal with it.”

Now it seems Karise’s fear of fame may have been well-founded, after she released an emotionally wrought statement on Facebook last week. “I’m a REAL person,” she wrote. “I am a 20-year old young woman from Wyoming who shot up overnight. I as many walked around confused, unsure and with no direction then BANG you won the voice and all these people want you, all these people that shut you down before care about you. I give every fragment of me to you all when I open my mouth and sing and it can take its toll.”

In an open letter explaining why she was deleting her personal Facebook account, the usually reserved singer opened up about her struggle with online bullying.

“I’m very emotional and sensitive… I take a long time to get over things, I hurt easily… I get offended easily and I take little things to heart,” she explained. “I am not interested in having a keyboard warrior fight with you all. This is why I’m putting a stop to it all and its another reason why i’m never on here!”

Read more about the spice girls and other MKR contestants in this week’s Woman’s Day on sale Monday February 4, 2013.

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