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Voldy-what? Harry Potter writer reveals we’ve been saying his name wrong this whole time

JK Rowling has admitted that the Harry Potter villain’s name apparently appropriately means “death thief”.
JK Rowling

In the wizarding world of Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort craved infamy – so we’re sure he would be mildly offended to know that we’ve been pronouncing his time wrong for all these years.


Author of the series JK Rowling last night confirmed on Twitter that the “t” at the end of his name is meant to be silent.

“I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who pronounces it that way,” she conceded.

In character as Harry Potter, even actor Daniel Radcliffe said Voldemort with a t.

Her fans were quick to point out that in French, “Vol de Mort” translates to flying death or death thief.


Which would be appropriate, given that Voldemort – played by Ralph Fiennes – escaped death so many times in the seven-part series.

Some dedicated fans were horrified they’d been saying Harry Potter’s arch enemy’s name wrong, taking to social media to air their frustration.

“That they didn’t fix this in the movies is a load of bullsh*t with a silent ‘t’,” posted one Twitter user.

Another added, “Why not have them say it that way in the movies?”


The Daily Mail points out that in the first two audiobooks The Philosopher’s Stone and The Chamber of Secrets, which were released before the films, included the correct pronunciation, but it was changed to match the movies for the subsequent five instalments.

JK with the actor who played Voldemort, Ralph Fiennes.

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