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Greg Koutsouridis: ‘I feel sexier’

Biggest Loser contestant Greg Koutsouridis talks to Woman’s Day about his time on the show.

**Starting weight: 148.8kg

Elimination weight: 114.7kg**

How do you feel having to leave at this stage of the game?

I’ve got 9 kilos to go before I reach my goal weight but I’m really happy. I feel much sexier. I’ve got my cockiness back and my ego’s been recharged. People might see it as bad but if I don’t do it for myself, who will?

Did it have the impact on your life you hoped it would?

It changed my life considerably. Before I went in the house I was a very vindictive person, I hid behind closed doors. I’m happy to be alive now and I know my wife’s going to be happy and that makes me happy. She stood by me all this time even though she didn’t like how I was. I’ll definitely make it up to her, she’s very special. I want to take her fishing, bike riding and on holidays. I know she’d be up for it.

Is there any one you won’t miss from the house?

Gerard was very snappy and moody. He had issues with his marriage breaking up, being a dad to three kids, and being the oldest contestant. I found Courtney disrespectful to people in general. His attitude was “F**k everyone”. He smelt too, he had a stench about him. He never used to shower before bedtime, only in the morning. His clothes were so sweaty and when they would dry out he would wear them again.

You seemed to change your tune in regard to Jillian?

Going into the house I never wanted Jillian. I always thought she hammed it up for the cameras. I picked Michelle because I felt sorry for her as Shannon was getting everyone. It was the best move I’ve ever made. It turns out Jillian’s like that off camera too so I started to like her because I saw that she wasn’t fake. She cared about us and put us first and Michelle kept that going.

Who would you like to see win?

Marty. When he left I put my hand up to go instead of him. We never made an alliance, we had a mutual respect. He could see that I wasn’t scheming, just working hard. That progressed to a friendship and from that came a very strong bond, we could see we were different from everyone else. We backed each other up so when he was voted out, I asked Ajay if the Blue team could reconsider as I was the biggest threat at the time with my strength and endurance but it was not to be.

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