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Watch: The trailer for the final ever episode of Downton Abbey

Get a bowl of spotted dick and your lace handkerchief at the ready because this one is a tear-jerker.
Downton Abbey

For six seasons Downton Abbey has made us ugly-cry, have a serious case of case of wardrobe envy and made us feel bad about our appalling manners, but now itโ€™s coming to a dramatic end.


Weโ€™ve spent five Christmases with Lord and Lady Grantham in Downton, and now the trailer has been released for our last ever one โ€“ safe to say we are coping about as well as an unmarried Ladyโ€™s maid at a Debutante Presentation.

The trailer begins with Mrs Hughes leading a rousing rendition of Auld Lang Syne in the servantโ€™s hall and from then on the waterworks do not stop.

โ€œThe world is a different place from the way it was my Lord, and Downton Abbey must change with it,โ€ Head Butler Carson can be seen telling Lord Grantham, leading us all to believe the show will end in a very different fashion to which it begun.

Perhaps the Crawleyโ€™s will actually have to dress themselves now?


What will come of unlikely besties Isobel Crawley and Dowager Countess Violet?

The question on everyoneโ€™s lips though is whether Lady Edith, who has experienced more heartbreak than most will finally get her happy ending and the title of Marchioness โ€“ therefore outranking all of her family members.

While troubled โ€œunder butlerโ€ Thomas Barrow reveals in the trailer, โ€œI arrived here a boy, I leave here a man,โ€ as he bids farewell the Abbey.

More than anything, the world is desperately hoping everyone in that great house finally finds the happiness weโ€™ve watched them fiercely fight for.


Long live the Crawleys.

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