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Fall Girl

Fall Girl by Toni Jordan, Text Publishing, $32.95

A favourite passage from this light, bright romantic comedy has Ruby, the matriarch in a family of genteel con-artists, list some “wonderful ideas” for stings. A cream that melts away cellulite. Tablets that fill in wrinkles from the inside. Daily doses of Siberian plant juice to stop ageing.

When you think of some of the “true” cons we fall for … why not the return of the Tasmanian Tiger? This is evolutionary biologist Dr Ella Canfield’s pitch for a lucrative research grant and at first it seems jut-jawed young philanthropist Daniel Metcalf has swallowed the story. Before writing the cheque, though, he wants a weekend in the field with the dishy Dr Ella – in real life, grifter Della Gilmore who wouldn’t know a thylacine if she fell over one.

Yet if she can pull it off – and ignore the mounting sexual chemistry since falling for a mark is the ultimate professional no-no – she will save the family’s shaky fortunes. Toni Jordan has that winning quality of writing like she enjoys it. Her debut novel, Addition, was an unexpected hit and I can’t see her fans being disappointed by this one. A fun pick for the beach bag.

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