He has a killer line of cookbooks and kitchenware to boot but Curtis Stone says nothing compares to fatherhood. “It’s such a fun journey,” he says of being dad to Hudson, four, and Emerson, 20 months, who he shares with wife Lindsay Price.
“My boys, they change and grow up each day,” says the 40-year-old. “Hudson has started to push his own boundaries and wants to climb trees all the time. I’m also teaching him how to swim, which is the cutest thing.”
When he’s not busy running his LA restaurant, Maude, named after his grandmother, and appearing as a guest on MasterChef, the foodie enjoys cooking and gardening with his family.
“I take Hudson into the kitchen and sit him up on the bench and he loves to get involved,” says Curtis, who will join the MasterChef crew in California next week for an elimination challenge. “Now, they both sit up there while I’m cracking eggs, making breakfast. It’s so awesome. I love it!”