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Book Review: ‘Cocaine Blues’ by Kerry Greenwood

The Honourable Phryne Fisher is a glamorous, gutsy, and gloriously wealthy detective in 1920s Australia.
Cocaine Blues

Cocaine Blues by Kerry Greenwood, Allen & Unwin, $22.99

The Honourable Phryne Fisher is a glamorous, gutsy, and gloriously wealthy detective in 1920s Australia.

Miss Fisher adores lobster mayonnaise with cucumber, gowns of liquid satin, and catching the criminals who roam the well-appointed drawing rooms and seedy backstreets of Melbourne.

Kerry Greenwood’s novels have often been compared to those of Agatha Christie, and while similarities and cheeky references abound, Miss Fisher is quicker, kinder, racier, and much more democratic than any character sprung from the pen of Dame Agatha.

Phryne starved “like Billy-o” until she was twelve years old and three people between her father and his inheritance died.

It’s an experience that’s given her an appealing irreverence and fearlessness, and in Cocaine Blues she’s something of an action hero.

The Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries have been re-released to coincide with Phryne’s debut on Australian television, so if you haven’t fallen for her yet prepare to be seduced.

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