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*Big Brother*’s Trevor: My bucket list blitz!

Big Brother's Trevor: My bucket list blitz!

Big Brother’s biggest winner is still riding high on his 2004 victory.

For a lot of house mates, Big Brother is a springboard for launching a career in show biz, but for Trevor Butler, he just wanted to tick it off his bucket list. “I had a to-do list,” Trevor tells Woman’s Day.

“One was to go on Big Brother; another was to win a million dollars. Another was get married and start a family. People went into the house knowing what they wanted to do afterwards—TV or radio—while I went on just to have my 15 seconds of fame and then get off. I didn’t go in to win; I went in to tick something off the list.”

Trevor killed three birds with one stone when he took out the grand prize of a million bucks and popped the question on stage at the finale to girlfriend Breea. Eight years on, the couple have ticked another box – to start a family. They have two sons Maika, 4, and Creedance, 1.

“I took a few years off while Breea worked and then along came our second child and I thought, ‘well we can’t have three kids under the one roof!’” he laughs, adding that being a stay-at-home dad was “terrifying”. “I didn’t want to miss out on seeing Maika grow up,” he says. “Most parents don’t have this chance, so I was one of the lucky ones.”

Now Trevor splits his time between looking after the kids and working part time for a radio station on the Gold Coast. “It’s the easiest job I’ve ever had in my life, going around and talking on the radio, just being myself,” he says.

“I want to try and pull my finger out and get into a bit of brekkie and arvo shows…but it’s hard with kids.”

As for Trevor’s to-do list, there are still a few things eluding him. “One was to skydive, haven’t done that yet…Get into premier league, haven’t done that, get a six-pack, working on that!” he laughs.

As Trevor’s trails off, he remembers one last and most important thing. “To have a daughter.” Given Trevor’s track record we have a feeling he won’t have any problems making his latest dream a reality!

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