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Beyoncé gets pulled off stage by fan

Beyonce gets pulled off stage by fan

Beyoncé Knowles had a close call recently while performing in Brazil.

During her performance in Sao Paulo while singing her hit Irreplaceable one crazed fan tried to pull her off the stage and into the crowd.

The 32-year-old singer kept her composure as her security guards acted immediately to pull her back up on stage.

Beyoncé continued to perform, but when she realised her security were escorting the man out of the show, she said “hey, hey it’s alright. Calm, calm, calm.”

Following her performance, Beyoncé found the man in the crowd.

“Let me speak to the gentleman- he just got excited. It’s alright,” she said.

She kneelt down, shook the man’s hand and said: “Thank you, I love you too,” to the delight of the crowd.

This isn’t the first time Beyoncé has had a close call with a fan. Back in May while performing to the same song in Denmark, one cheeky fan slapped the singer on the bottom! .

Beyoncé is currently taking her Mrs Carter Show through South America as part of her world tour.

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