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Babies on the menu for My Kitchen Rules Sweethearts!

My Kitchen Rules

Brisbane’s Shadi and Veronica tell Amy Harris about their goal to have children “in abundance”.

Their fairytale love story is a fan favourite on My Kitchen Rules. But behind the smiles of Brisbane frontrunners Veronica and Shadi Abraham, there is a tinge of heartache over the one aspect of their lives they are yet to conquer.

“We hope we can set up our kitchen with lots of kids soon,” says Veronica, who admits she and her husband, both 29, have long been trying to start a family.

With both coming from large ethnic families – Veronica from Italian heritage and Shadi one of six children from a large Lebanese family – Shadi says the couple began discussing babies even before they were married.

“We have spoken about it and we are willing to accept [children] in abundance, but at the moment it’s just not working,” he says. “But we will play it by ear and, as we say, it is whatever God wills.”

While keen to start their family, the couple are yet to turn to treatments like IVF.

“At the moment it’s in the hands of the stars,” Veronica says.

But both laugh when asked if the topic of children is often raised around the family dinner table.

For the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 8, 2010.

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