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Are My Kitchen Rules’ Kat and Andre expecting a baby?

Kat and Andre were definitely the most polarising couple from the 2015 season of My Kitchen Rules’, but now whispers are circulating the notoriously hot-headed couple might have something cooking in their kitchen – a baby!

An insider close to the Western Australian couple claims that they are expecting their first child.

While on the show, Kat Donald-Hill and Andre Pagano described themselves as “pretty volatile people,” but we’re guessing a baby will hopefully mellow the pair out.

The duo survived the Channel 7 cooking series, but not all the contestants got out unscathed from the intense pair.

Fan favourites Ash and Camilla admitted while on the show if they could “kick anyone out of the competition; it would probably be Kat and Andre after they screwed [them] over.”

The couple shocked audiences with the harsh comments and negative strategising with viewers quick to take to social media.

But it seems off camera, the couple are very different.

“We love entertaining at home, that’s what we love doing. And we love cooking for our friends,” Kat said before her stint on MKR.

While Andre added: “Kat is very funny, she makes me laugh all the time.”

Congratulations to the potential parents-to-be!

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