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Ann Ann answers Woman’s Day readers’ questions

Ann Ann answers

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Sell, definitely! If you wait too much longer, you will lose a lot more financially than you can recover. November is a brilliant time to look at selling. You will have no regrets once you have done it.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Nothing can make you happy for the rest of your life because you constantly keep changing your mind about everything. You will walk away from this relationship when you are ready, but I do not see that happening in the near future. You should stop living in fairy land young lady and get back to reality.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Just add “O.N.O” to and you will find a buyer. Please remember that what you lose in the short term you will recoup later on somehow. You will have no regrets long-term for having dropped your asking price.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


You will break free within the next two years. This business is finished, and it has been for three years. If you weren’t around they would be forced into make decisions that are well and truly overdue. Don’t allow them to make you feel guilty for wanting to have some space. I can assure you that you owe them nothing, and it’s time you saw them for what they really are – manipulators of the worst kind, your husband included, with only their own interests at heart.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


You got it right when you said someone else. It also seems you’re going to have some problems with a female. The best advice I can give you is for you not to try to vindicate yourself, because the more you try to protest that you’re innocent, the more seems to have the opposite effect. For once, just walk away and it will all blow over.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Your mum says to hold that thought, so I take this to mean that you have been toying with an idea and are not sure if you should make the move or not? From April onwards is the right time to go for whatever it is. Do not allow anyone to tell you it won’t work, she says. How often have you felt as if someone was giving you a slight push in your right shoulder with their finger? Well, now you know who it is – she is trying to tell you to move on. She will always be there to support and protect you. Also, buy yourself a bottle of Australian Bush Flower Essences Angelsword and take two drops morning and night for seven days in a row. This will help clear your mind of self-doubts.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Firstly, go out and buy six whistles. Give one to your son and make sure he has it on a chain or cord around his neck at all times while he is at school. Tell him to keep it out of sight – this is his secret weapon. Also, arrange a meeting with his principal and tell them that from now on any time your son is being bullied that he will blow his whistle to make the teachers aware that he needs help. Also tell your son to make sure that he blows it as hard as he can – it will have the desired affect on the bully and others will soon follow your lead.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


No apologies necessary. Take a really good look through his room and you will learn exactly what he is spending his ill-gotten gains on.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Yes to both your questions. There is also something about an unexpected move or trip, and I can see you are not sure what to do – go or stay. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by going.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


This is one battle you can’t help him with, but a good hypnotherapist could find the cause and get rid of it. What happened either to him personally or to the family unit when he was around 12 or 13 that made him feel that nothing in his life was secure?

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Go speak with a solicitor and also take all legal documents you have previously signed with you. Somewhere in there is a loophole in your favour.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


I do no see it happening this year. Next year, things will have eased a lot financially, and any time from August onwards would be best to go for it, but lock it in for two years only.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


This has nothing to do with your gambling or him being younger than you at all. It’s coming to the time for the both of you to move on. You are both finishing off a past lifetime connection.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Long term Sydney is the place you need to be.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Don’t become involved in this unless you want to get hurt, really hurt that is.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.


Don’t worry about the grandchildren. They will be OK, but your daughter is not completely out of the woods yet. She needs to let go so that she can move on.

Woman’s Day Psychic Ann Ann, has the answers to readers’ dilemmas.

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