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Alex Tsao: ‘I broke Jillian’

Alex Tsao, the first contestant eliminated from The Biggest Loser, chats to Woman’s Day about his time on the show and his plans for a healthier future.

**Starting weight: 155.2kg

Elimination weight: 144.6kg**

Being the first eliminated contestant, has the experience still changed your life?

When I arrived in the house I was diagnosed as a diabetic. I was on high blood pressure tablets and within a week of being in the house it turned my diabetes around, so nothing is impossible.

After your 24-hour training session with Jillian, what is your opinion of her?

At the beginning I thought it was my greatest nightmare. I had heard rumours about how tough she was but I believe I needed it. For the 24-hour training session, I started off on the treadmill. I was on there for two hours, I thought I was going to die but I would do it again. It was the best. At the end of the session I was asking for more. And she said ‘What?’ So we kept going and going and I did 100 push-ups. I’ve got bruising from them. She unleashed something she nearly couldn’t control. She could not force pain on me, I nearly sent her through a wall. That would have been my proudest moment, that I defeated Jillian! I owe her a lot. Being psychologically pushed by Jillian has really woken me up and given me a more positive outlook on life. It’s shown me that I’m far more worthy of myself than I ever thought I was. My major aim going into the house is being a better person all round, I want to lead by example. This whole experience has been like a re-birthing to me although I feel like I’ve been born a little premature.

Were there any funny moments?

Marty and I farted on one of the trainers in the gym. You can’t help it, they pump you up and everything lets go!

Is there anyone you won’t miss?

We didn’t get along with Munnalita, it was a clash of personalities. We all had the same aim. She was a really nice person but she wanted to get into the game a lot sooner than everybody else.

As a chef, how will you change your lifestyle now?

I’ll be cutting back on the oils, salts, keeping everything natural and fresh. I’m going to try to go back to simplicity. When I get back I’m going to change the menus and pass what I’ve learnt onto my customers. Maybe I’ll create a Biggest Loser menu! My customers’ health is very important to me.

Will you be looking to find love?

My priority is my children but I would love to have a partner. I think I have to get over my last loss; it’s still quite raw but now at least I understand where my ex-wife is coming from. But if Claudia Schiffer asked me out I wouldn’t say no!

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