We doubt there’s a single person who isn’t guilty of breaking one, or all, of their New Year‘s resolutions by January 31st – after all, we’re only human, and not drinking during the week/exercising more/taking lunch to work every day is tough.
So, instead of making the same old oaths this year, why not pledge your commitment to a couple of small resolutions you’ll actually want to keep?
Eat the chocolate
We all know strict diets that eliminate entire food groups or restrict kilojoule intake are a recipe for long-term disaster. Instead, apply the 80:20 rule to your diet. By eating healthily 80 per cent of the time and indulging in your favourite treats for the rest, you’re more likely to, a) stick to an overall healthier diet in the long-run, and, b) stop feeling guilty that you’re (supposedly) failing.

Make one small change for your body
Sure, upping our time in the gym isn’t going to do us any harm, but in lieu of extra weights sessions, the very least we can do for our bodies is try to improve our posture.
Slouching, looking down too much (thanks, phone) and sitting for long periods of time, can cause scoliosis, tension headaches, and back pain, and can even influence emotional states and sensitivity to pain.
Reset your password
Take a leaf out of tennis champion Serena Williams’s book and make your passwords positive affirmations. The superstar told Wired about her life-changing technique:
“Back in 2008, when I was competing in the US Open, I would keep little ‘match books,’ where I’d write affirmations to myself and read them during matches.
“It worked pretty well. But before long I found an even better way to inspire myself: I started using affirmations as the passwords to my phone and computer.
“You should try it. You’ll be surprised how many times a day you log in and have an opportunity to trigger that positivity.”

Make resolutions you will actually stick to! (Image: Getty)
Read more good news
We don’t have to look hard to find bad news – our social media feeds are inundated on the daily. But it’s important to read (and share) the inspiring and heart-warming stories that take place around the world in a bid to not become overwhelmed with grief-fatigue. Scroll past the bad stuff and try to only read the stuff that makes you happy like sweet stories and the occasional adorable puppy meme.
Buy more shoes
Or skirts! Or jackets! Well, sort of… Instead of impulse shopping and ending up with duplicates of things you already have (hello, striped tee-shirts) take inventory of your wardrobe and discover what items of clothing you’re lacking.
That way when the (inevitable) urge to shop pops up, you can focus your credit card on items that will round out your existing wardrobe.