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Mum, Dad, Prince George or Princess Charlotte: Who does Prince Louis look like?

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During Prince Louis’ first christening in 2018 at The Chapel Royal at St James’ Palace, Catherine, Princess of Wales was overheard telling the Archbishop of Canterbury that her youngest child was “very relaxed and peaceful” and she hoped he stayed that way.

Prince Louis stole the show during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

(Image: Getty)

But if Prince Louis’ Platinum Jubilee antics in 2022 are anything to go by, the princess was unknowingly tempting fate as the then-four-year-old royal was anything but calm. His adorable and excitable behaviour truly stole the show during the weekend of celebrations and earnt him a legion of royal fans.

But which relative does Prince Louis look the most like? We investigate below.

His father, Prince William?

As babies, Prince William (below) and Prince Louis (above) had the same fair hair and a knack for sleeping through royal events!

(Image: Getty)

Of course the tiny royal will show some resemblance to Prince William – he is William’s son after all! But perhaps the likeness was more uncanny when Louis was merely a bub.

When the Prince of Wales was christened at just six weeks old in a private ceremony in the Music Room of Buckingham Palace, he looked peaceful and serene; just like sleeping Louis 36 years later.

But now that Louis’ older, it’s clear he has darker hair and slightly different facial features to his father.

The similarities aren’t as strong now that Louis is older.

(Image: Getty)

With that being said though, Louis clearly got his adorably cheeky attitude from William… When William was much younger he pulled very similar antics to the ones his youngest child is now famous for.

Louis (right) clearly got his cheekiness from his dad William (left).

(Image: Getty)

His mother, Catherine, Princess Of Wales?

It’s uncanny!

(Images: Left: The Middleton Family | Right: Getty)

We can see where Louis, George and Charlotte get their adorable chubby cheeks from! Catherine was just too cute as a child.

As he’s gotten older, we’d say Louis’ facial features are looking even more like his mum as a youngster.

Prince Louis and Princess Kate are identical in these photos.

(Image: Instagram)

Kate recently shared a picture of her as a child enjoying a family Christmas and now we are certain Louis looks identical to Kate.

The eyes, the hair and the adorable smile are all traits passed down by Catherine and the Middleton side of the family.

During a surprise visit to Baby Bank charity, Catherine admitted her boy was growing up too fast.

“It’s crazy, it only feels like yesterday that they were this tiny and they do grow so quickly,” she confessed to volunteers.

His older brother, Prince George?

Twin princes! Prince Louis on left and Prince George on right.

(Image: Getty)

With his chubby cheeks and button nose, we think baby Louis looked almost identical to baby Prince George! But as he’s grown into a toddler and young child, Louis has developed darker hair and slightly different facial features to his older brother.

The brothers sure look adorable in blue.

(Image: Getty)

His sister, Princess Charlotte?

You can tell Louis and Charlotte are siblings.

(Image: Getty)

With an identical hair colour and alike facial features, we’d say little Louis looks pretty similar to Charlotte when she was his age. But will it stay that way as he grows older? Only time will tell.

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His grandfather, Michael Middleton?

Does the young royal look most like his grandfather on his mother’s side?

(Image: Getty)

While he isn’t part of the main Cambridge clan, Michael Middleton is a name that keeps cropping up amongst royal fans as holding a keen similarity to his grandson, Louis. Do you see the resemblance?

Louis looked dapper on his first day of his new school!

(Image: Getty)

As he and older siblings George and Charlotte headed off for their first day of their new school in September 2022, Prince Louis looked extremely like Michael Middleton! What a cutie.

His uncle, Prince Harry?

Harry and Louis don’t share too many characteristics, but their fashion sense is the same!

(Image: Getty)

Little Louis doesn’t look too much like his uncle Prince Harry. But for the 2023 Trooping the Colour, Louis wore an almost identical outfit to what a then-four-year-old Harry wore to the Beating Retreat military ceremony held on June 29, 1989. And a side-by-side comparasion of the two in eerily-similar outfits, highlight that Louis and Harry do have some shared characteristics.

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