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EXCLUSIVE: The My Kitchen Rules revolt the producers didn’t see coming

It’s mutiny backstage as the show’s rulebook is rewritten...

Woman’s Day has learnt that this season’s batch of My Kitchen Rules contestants are completely fed up.


In this week’s magazine, insider reveals they’re forced to “perform like monkeys” for up to 
20 hours in any taping, plied with alcohol, encouraged to bitch about each other and wear clothes they wouldn’t be seen dead in!

Now the contestants have had enough, with a rogue group of 10 taking matters into their own hands.

There’s a lot of drama cooking in this season of My Kitchen Rules.

With producers ramping up their sneaky tactics to get the best reactions from them, this season has left the cast feeling bullied, misrepresented and desperate 
to quit the show.


But one brave contestant, who refused to be manipulated, has become the hero of the group for leading the charge on a secret revolt in a bold attempt to fight for better conditions.

Be sure to pick up this week’s magazine to find out how bearded hunk Kyle led one of the biggest revolutions in MKR history!

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