To win at all costs, Ronnie and Georgia are keeping their cards close to their chest.
The WA couple are worried about other teams copying their design ideas on The Block and want to keep their plans under wraps.
Ronnie even went as far as to spray-paint ‘trust no-one’ on the wall of one of their rooms.

Ronnie has some trust issues.
“It’s a game and it’s three months away from our kids and we’re here to win,” Georgia, 33, says.
“We’re not here to have a good time, we’re taking it quite seriously.”
The couple have struggled to take on criticism from Scotty, Shelley and Alice.
“Maybe Scotty should just stick to Chippy work, and we’ll stick to the design work,” Georgia said in a recent episode.
“When we come in here, I just feel this angst towards us. We’re here to help you,” Shelley said.
“We need to work on taking criticism,” Goergia admitted before adding later in a piece to camera, “I like being right, because I feel like generally I am right. Just being honest, just putting it out there. I might be wrong in this instance though.”
Ronnie adds he was also trying to keep an eye on who came in to their house as he had lost a lot of tools.
“I’ve lost so much stuff,” Ronnie, 41, says, estimating he’d lost about $500 worth of tools.
But shutting out their neighbours may cause issues down the track. After all, doesn’t everyone want good neighbours that become good friends?