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Seven Year Switch’s Stacey Louise says meeting Tracey has left her confused

An unexpected end to her encounter with Johnny’s wife Tracey left Stacey Louise torn about what to do next.

As Stacey Louise prepared to sit down with the wife of her experimental partner, Johnny, on tonight’s episode of Seven Year Switch she admits she was nervous.

But despite having prepared a sheet of written questions and having thought through all the ways the evening could go, she says she was shocked at Tracey’s parting words when she asked Stacey Louise NOT to tell Johnny that she loved him.

It flew in the face of what Stacey Louise believed – that Tracey and Johnny could work out their problems.

“I was left confused,” she tells TV WEEK.

“I wanted to speak to the producers before I could speak to Johnny because I was like, ‘What am I supposed to say? And they were like, ‘Well you’re going to have to tell him”. And I was like, “I don’t want to!” because all this time leading up to it, I hadn’t considered the fact that maybe Tracey had actually checked out of the relationship.”

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So sure was she of Johnny’s intentions to make the family unit whole again that Stacey Louise says she believed her meeting with Tracey could help him do so.

“I was trying to get to the bottom of what needed to change about Johnny to make that happen,” she explains.

“I came out thinking, ‘Hang on, maybe instead of me just trying to make Johnny change for the relationship, maybe I actually have this duty to start preparing him for the fact she may decide she doesn’t want to be with him.”

Johnny and Tracey’s problems are far from resolved.

Adding to her worry was that Stacey Louise knew that Johnny would likely internalise his pain, rather than talk about it.

“Johnny’s like me in that he can keep his emotions bottled up inside and then it gets too much,” she says. “And when you let it out it can be a bit explosive. I was really concerned as to how he’d take it.”

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