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Neighbours boss says the Dee Bliss twist is far from over

Will Dee/Andrea return to Ramsay Street with Toadie's baby?
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Remember that Dee Bliss twist on Neighbours? When Madeleine West reappeared on our screens in February as an imposter and then later appeared in August sitting next to a mystery man on a park bench?

We didn’t know whether she was Andrea Somers or the real Dee Bliss. Could this be the star of a whole new chapter for Andrea/Dee? It’s been nearly four months with no answers but Neighbours executive producer Jason Herbison says there are shocks in store.

“There are going to be high emotional stakes coming up,” Jason told Daily Star.

“With Dee/Andrea, we’re breaking convention with this storyline and telling it in a very slow burn fashion. There is definitely more to come.”

Jason confessed that the Dee storyline was a huge risk for them – but it paid off.

“I loved that storyline,” he continued. “We took a big risk with the doppelgänger angle but it got people taking and it was filled with genuine surprises.

“The moment where Sonya witnessed Toadie cheating over Skype was one of the most dramatic ever, I thought. From the get-go [we] had a very long term arc in mind with more twists to the tale to be told.”

Madeleine’s character Dee was married to Toadie (Ryan Moloney) in 2003 but shortly after the beautiful wedding ceremony, the couple’s car was launched off a cliff and Dee’s body was never found.

Andrea and Toadie

Dee returned to the town in February this year as con-artist Andrea Somers, a woman who pretended to be Dee in order to steal money from Toadie. She used her daughter Willow (Mieke Billing-Smith) to worm her way into Toadie’s life. Andrea and Toadie eventually slept together, ruining Toadie’s relationship with Sonya (Eve Morey). Thankfully, Toadie and Sonya are back together.

So if Dee/Andrea makes another return to Ramsay St, will she turn up pregnant? Madeleine previously teased a snap on Instagram in June that showed her with a baby bump. If it turns out to be true, we don’t know how Toadie and Sonya’s relationship could survive it…

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