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Why MAFS’ Sarah Roza’s Instagram break-up post will speak to anyone who’s had their heart smashed to smithereens

“Being surrounded by friends and family is providing a safe haven for me now.”
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Between Tracey and Dean’s on-again, off-again antics to Troy and Ash’s tumultuous attempt at pulling off a reality-TV marriage, we have to confess that during this season of Married At First Sight, we were always gunning for Sarah Roza and Telv Williams to go the distance.

Alas it wasn’t meant to be with Sarah jumping on social media to confirm reports that the pair had in fact split.


Not only that, but during her heartwrenching Instagram post, which reveals her post-split-with-Telv heartache, will hit too close to home for anyone who has had their heart proverbially drop-kicked.

“On the back of what has been such an extraordinary experience it is with great heartache, regret and sadness that Telv and are no longer together,” she wrote on Instagram.

“As you undoubtedly saw, my heart was completely committed to this before I even met my husband and it was absolutely set on fire once I did meet him.”


She then went on to (albeit vaguely) detail what went wrong in the couple’s made-on-TV relationship, stating that she is only able to “heal” because of the love and support she is receiving from her friends and family.

“Being surrounded by friends and family is providing a safe haven for me now. This is so I can heal and continue to carry on living a upstanding and happy life.”

But you know what Sarah has that most of doesn’t while we’re going through a break-up? The ability to step back and focus on herself rather than the break-up itself.

“An experiment like this forces you to reveal exactly who you are. For me, I’m so proud of my resilience, decency, compassion and my loyalty,” she continued.

“I know that nobody is perfect yet I am at that stage in my life where the foundation of basic respect and support from my partner is crucial. As a woman I know what I truly deserve and I just can’t allow my innate standards to be compromised.”

“I truly wish only the absolute best for Telv because I undoubtedly will always love and care very deeply for him, but ultimately I deserve someone who shares the same life goals and aspirations as I do.”


The post, including the promise she is making to herself to uphold self-care, continued…

“Whilst I didn’t find lasting love it has surprised me that I did in fact find something much more important: my inner strength. This honestly was the most challenging and intensely emotional undertaking that I’ve ever committed to. I’ve ‘walked through fire’ more times than I ever imagined I would.”

“While it saddens me that it didn’t work out, I do know the right man for me is out there somewhere looking for me too. I still believe in my happily ever after and that I’m deserving of a pure and committed love.”

“I will always be eternally grateful that our paths crossed in this way as I feel that I have learnt so much about myself and grown exponentially as a person. I’m honoured to have been a part of this incredible life changing journey & I’m thrilled to embrace the next exciting chapter in my life…”

This isn’t the first time Sarah has taken to social media to vent her feelings.

As previously reported by Now To Love, the reality-TV star tore shreds off a social media troll who had boob-shamed her.

Unfortunately it’s disempowering females like yourself who make it very difficult for ALL WOMEN to flourish,” she began. ” I’m a proud curvy girl and I’ll wear WHAT I want, WHEN I want and HOW I want…”

“Because guess what, lovely? It’s nobody’s damn business but my own. As women we must support each other, NOT try to tear each other down… Shame on YOU for not supporting other women who have a tough enough time out there already without having ‘one of our own’ attack us so hurtfully!”


We’re here for you, Sarah! We’re here for you…

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