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Kidnap horror on this week’s Home and Away

A bushfire, a baby, new surgeon and a kidnapping – what a whopper of a first week back for Home And Away.
A tense confrontation outside a house; two men argue as a woman looks on.

If you thought there was a lot of H&A on telly this week you’d be right. Channel Seven served up seven episodes of delicious drama.


Here’s how it all unfolded…


When we last saw Billie (Tessa De Josselin) she was about to give birth on the side of the road. This week, as if things weren’t desperate enough, a flamin’ great bushfire was approaching. Faced with little choice, VJ (Matt Little) did the manly thing and carried Billie a mere couple of kilometres to the police roadblock. VJ must be a pretty fit bloke – he wasn’t even puffing when he made it there! At the hospital, VJ and Leah (Ada Nicodemou) watched as Billie gave birth to Lucinda Leah Patterson – Luc for short. But, then Billie’s breathing deteriorated and she had to be intubated.



Meanwhile, Evie (Philippa Northeast), Matt (Alec Snow), John (Shane Withington), Hunter (Scott Lee) and Zac (Charlie Clausen) were all holed up in a shack as the fire roared around them. When they emerged, Hunter was off to find Olivia (Raechelle Banno) – who actually turned out to be safe and well with Mason (Orpheus Pledger) back in the Bay. Poor Hunter was hit by a falling branch and had to be taken to hospital. Alf (Ray Meagher) found Marilyn (Emily Symons) – but was she alive?

Hunter went to find Olivia after escaping the fire.


At the hospital, Justin (James Stewart) – who you’ll remember was stabbed in last year’s finale – went into surgery and now looks like he’ll recover. His sister, Tori (Penny McNamee), was shocked to find the hospital’s new surgeon was her ex, Riley (Ryan O’Kane). And Nate (Kyle Pryor) did not look impressed when he found out Riley and Tori had a past. We sense trouble brewing here.



Wouldn’t you hate to have a son like Mick (Kristian Schmid)? Irene (Lynne McGranger) was a terrified mess when Mick showed up at her house, telling her he’d changed, and all of his bad behaviour was behind him. Later, he approached her at the beach, but a frazzled Irene wanted nothing to do with Mick. After telling the police what happened, Kat (Pia Miller) showed up at the beach and zapped Mick with her Taser. But, that’s not where the Mick story ends.


Oh, Heath (Dan Ewing) and Bianca (Lisa Gormley) came back to the Bay! Yay!


And, Bianca revealed she was pregnant. But, she was in two minds about whether she wanted to have the baby. A riled up Heath discovered she was thinking of having an abortion and marched up to Bianca – only to find her sitting with Zac!

The Braxton boy saw red and punched a bewildered Zac in the face. Later, Heath, Bianca and Darcy (Alea O’Shea) decided to move back to the city to have the baby. So long, Braxtons – come again sometime!

Heath took his frustrations out on Zac.



Just when you thought it was safe to leave your newborn baby at a hospital nursery – along comes Mick. The unhinged dude was taken to hospital for a once over. But, while there he saw Billie breastfeeding baby Luc. He headbutted an officer and ran to Billie’s room. Realising the baby was his (fans will recall Mick raped Billie), Mick nabbed Luc from the nursery. Now, he’s on the run with Luc!

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