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EXCLUSIVE: Gogglebox Australia’s Faye and Anastasia talk love, life – and why they’ll never quit

''We'll be there in our rocking chair''
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Fan favourites Anastasia Katselas and Faye Kontos aren’t leaving Gogglebox Australia. Like, ever. While others have turned off their telly in recent years, the best friends are staying put on the couch.

For Anastasia, there’s no question. “We’ll be there in our rocking chairs,” the 56-year-old says with her signature laugh.

“I love everything about it! I love the fact I’m on TV.”

The pair duo has been on Gogglebox Australia since the beginning.

Gogglebox duo confirm they wont be moving from the couch anytime soon!

(Image: Lifestyle)

Faye, also 56, admits they’re shocked they’re up to filming their 11th season.

“At the end of the day, we’re just normal people watching TV,” she says.

“We’ll be there until they get bored of us.”

Home Sweet Home

This season, the pair has switched up a few things. Anastasia has moved in with her partner Gabriel Massoud, along with her two children, so Gogglebox Australia filming has moved to their new home in Melbourne.

Anastasia has a full household, with her two children and partner recently moving in.

(Image: Instagram)

There’s a spare room for Faye to spend the night when she visits, as well as a new living room, new couches – and the friends have even swapped sides for filming for the first time.

“The dynamics have changed,” Anastasia says with a laugh. “But the magic is still there – the magic is even better! We’re more comfortable.”

Anastasia recently celebrated her one-year anniversary with Gabriel.

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“He’s the male version of me… but more intelligent!” she quips.

“We’re like best friends. It’s nice being in a new home and doing our thing. This is the happiest I’ve ever been. Ever. Ever.”

While Anastasia was drawn to Gabriel’s intelligence and honesty, it was his kind heart that proved “he was a keeper”.

“I’ve never met someone so compassionate,” she says.

“When he first visited me, he asked if we could go and visit my dad’s grave, which touched me.

“And on my dad’s birthday, he went to the cemetery on his own and sat there talking to my father. He took a VB [beer] and my dad’s backgammon and pretended to play with him.”

Gabriel has made Anastasia very happy!

(Image: Instagram)

Tying the knot isn’t a priority for Anastasia, but she does have plans to travel with her sweetheart.

“I’m not really interested in marriage,” she declares. “I’ve been there, done that. But I’ve been to Santorini [in Greece] twice, and both times I’ve thought I’d love to go with someone I love – someone really special.

“And I’m actually going with Gab later this year, so my dream has come true!”

Until then, the loved-up pair will continue to enjoy life in their new home. Each morning, Gabriel wakes Anastasia at 7am, she makes Greek coffee, and they enjoy them together outside in their “beautiful” new alfresco area.

“My garden looks magnificent,” she enthuses.

“Gabriel did all the landscaping – he planted 313 plants!”

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After the storm

There’s been a recent life-changing move for Faye too, although the circumstances couldn’t be more different.

Faye’s long-term partner, Tony, died of cancer in December 2018, so much of her time has been spent helping his children sort through his belongings at his house. But, a year on, it was time for Faye to return home to Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula.

“My kids helped me do the move two days before Christmas [2019],” she says.

“It’s been a bit difficult coming home to an empty house. I’m living life, but it’s been a transition. It’s hard. I’m still trying to find my feet with what I want to do.”

Faye has found life difficult without her long-term partner, Tony.

(Image: Instagram)

After such heartbreak, Faye is craving peace and quiet in the next chapter.

“I want a peaceful year,” she says.

“I want to be aligned with myself and get my power back of being me! I have a lot of support. Who knows what will happen, though? As long as we’re all healthy, safe and happy.

“Thank God I’ve got Foxtel and Netflix right now, that’s all I’ll say! It keeps me busy. And it’s nice to wake up with the sun shining. If it’s shining, I’m shining as well.”

Faye has the support of her sons after the death of her partner Tony

(Image: Instagram)

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