After dissing his “wife” Cheryl Maitland in front of all the other grooms during a recent boys night – which he quickly tried to deny doing – and then mocking her at a dinner party in front of the rest of the Married at First Sight couples – Andrew Jones has some serious sucking up to do.
But while you’d expect Cheryl to be waiting on his apology – think again – because the Gold Coast babe is telling him to stick it where the sun don’t shine.

Chez isn’t impressed with Jonesy’s behaviour.
“Initially, yeah, I think if he apologised I would have been like okay let’s move on,” she tells NW.
“Or admit something you did was wrong, even if he didn’t and he was like ‘I’m not apologising’, I wouldn’t even want an apology from him now, like it’s just not sincere. Like he could say sorry, but I wouldn’t obviously believe him.”

Especially after he sat across from her at the commitment ceremony, looked her in the eye and told her he had her back.
“To a certain extent, I think he did initially, but um no, I don’t believe any of that,” she adds.
“I think it’s just him trying to be a good person and just say that. Saying things I want to here. But your actions are a completely different way. So yeah, it doesn’t really mean much to me.”
For more behind-the-scenes goss on Cheryl and Jonesy’s turbulent relationship – or lack thereof – as well Cheryl’s journey to be Australia’s next Bachelorette, pick up the latest issue of NW magazine, on sale now!